===== Character Voices - English ===== Below you will find the pages for all the character voices. Note that some of champions may be listed by Riot under a different name. For instance, instead of Blitzcrank, it is SteamGolem, or ChemicalMan instead of Singed. If you can't find one just scroll through all the pages and you'll find something that sounds correct. * [[info:lol_sound_pages:character_voices_-_english_1|Character Voices - English - Page 1]] * GemKnight * Pirate * Ryze * Sion * Teemo * Tristana * Yeti * Announcer * Gragas * Nidalee * Sona * Tt * Wolfman * Yeti * Aatrox * Interactive * AhriSkin04 * Ahri * Akali * BadRobotAmumu * Ancientgolem * BlackIceAnivia * Interactive * Anivia * Annie * AnnieTibbers * Armordillo * Armsmaster * Ashe * Interactive * AstronautTeemo * BlindMonk * BloodKingVladimir * ZombieBrand * Brand * [[info:lol_sound_pages:character_voices_-_english_2|Character Voices - English - Page 2]] * Brolaf * Caitlyn * Cassiopeia * ChemicalMan * BattleCastChogath * Interactive * Chronokeeper * Corki * CorporateMundo * Dandychogath * Darius * DarkChampion * Diana * Draven * Interactive * Draven * Interactive * DrMundo * Elise * EliseSpider * Evelynn * CyberEzreal * Interactive * Ezreal * FallenAngel * Fiddlesticks * Fiora * FizzSkin04 * Fizz * [[info:lol_sound_pages:character_voices_-_english_3|Character Voices - English - Page 3]] * GatekeeperGalio * Galio * GangplankSkin06 * SpecialForcesGangplank * Garen * Interactive * GemKnight * Golem * OktoberGragas * Gragas * Graves * Greenterror * GuqinSona * HecarimArcade * Hecarim * Heimerdinger * HyenaWarwick * Irelia * Interactive * JannaForecast * Janna * LubuJarvanIV * JarvanIV * GladiatorJax * Jax * Jayce * Jester * JinxSkin01 * [[info:lol_sound_pages:character_voices_-_english_4|Character Voices - English - Page 4]] * Interactive * Jinx * Judicator * Karma * Katarina * MetalWingedJudicator * Kennen * KhazixDroid * Khazix * KogMaw * LeBlanc * Leona * Lesserwraith * Lich * Interactive * Lissandra * Lizard * Interactive * Lucian * Lulu * Lux * Malphite * Malzahar * Maokai * Interactive * MasterYi * Minotaur * MissFortune * [[info:lol_sound_pages:character_voices_-_english_5|Character Voices - English - Page 5]] * MonkeyKing * Mordekaiser * GhostBrideMorgana * Interactive * Nami * Interactive * Nasusskin05 * Interactive * Nasus * Nautilus * Nidalee * Nidaleecougar * CyberNocturne * Interactive * Nocturne * NunuBot * Olaf * Oriana * Pantheon * Permission * Pirate * Poppy * Quinn * ReindeerKogMaw * Interactive * Renekton * Rengar * Riven * RivenUlt * RumbleSkin03 * Rumble * [[info:lol_sound_pages:character_voices_-_english_6|Character Voices - English - Page 6]] * Ryze * SadMummy * Sejuani * Interactive * Sejuani * Shen * Shopkeeper * Shyvana * ShyvanaDragon * SilentNightSona * Sion * Interactive * Sivir * Skarner * PaxSona * Sona * Soraka * SteamGolem * Swain * Syndra * Talon * Teemo * Interactive * Thresh * Tristana * Trundle * Interactive * [[info:lol_sound_pages:character_voices_-_english_7|Character Voices - English - Page 7]] * Trundle * TryndamereSultan * TryndamereDemonsword * AltarCapture * Tutorial * CardMaster * Interactive * TwistedFate * Twitch * AttackChar * Interactive * SpiritSummonerUdyr * SpiritUdyr * Interactive * Udyr * Urgot * VarusAscended * Varus * Vayne * VelKozskin01 * VelKoz * Interactive * [[info:lol_sound_pages:character_voices_-_english_8|Character Voices - English - Page 8]] * Vi * Viktor * Vladimir * Voidwalker * Volibear * Wolf * Wolfman * Worm * Wraith * XenZhao * Xerath * ZhaoYunXinZhao * Xinzhao * Yasuo * Yeti * Yorick * Zac * Interactive * Zed * Ziggs * Zyra