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League of Legends Sounds

Need To Know

The League FSB (FMod Sound Bank) files are not an open format, nor has Riot released any information regarding extracting sounds from the League client. Because of this I (with help from others) have had to reverse engineer the file formats. What does this mean for you? YOU MAY HAVE TO TWEAK THE FILES YOURSELF. I tried my best to standardize all the files but a few probably slipped through. If a sound seem to have the wrong pitch you can correct that using Audacity or contact me. Instructions for doing so can be found in the “Editing Files” section. If a sound seems to be cut off you can contact me.

The Files

Thru “Garen - Steel Legion Garen” Thru “Rengar - Default” Thru “Zyra - Wildfire Zyra”
Misc - Character Voices - English Gragas - Default Rengar - Headhunter Rengar
Misc - Ambient Game Events Gragas - Gragas, Esq. Riven - Default
Misc - Ambient Music Events Gragas - Oktoberfest Gragas Rumble - Default
Misc - Announcer Graves - Default Ryze - Default
Misc - HUD Sound Effects Graves - Mafia Graves Sejuani - Default
Misc - Items Graves - Riot Graves Sejuani - Default Emotes
Misc - Howling Abyss Music Hecarim - Default Shaco - Default
Misc - Map Small Sounds Heimerdinger - Default Shaco - Royal Shaco
Misc - Map Small Sounds Irelia - Default Shen - Default
Misc - Map Small Sounds Janna - Default Shen - TPA Shen
Misc - Map Small Sounds Jarvan IV - Default Shyvana - Default
Misc - Map Small Sounds Jarvan IV - Warring Kingdoms Jarvan Shyvana - Ice Drake Shyvana
Misc - Minions Jax - Default Singed - Default
Misc - Misc Jayce - Debonair Jayce Sion - Default
Misc - Monsters Jayce - Default Sivir - Default
Misc - Shopkeeper Karma - Default Skarner - Default
Misc - Spider Boss Karthus - Default Sona - Arcade Sona
Misc - Summoner Kassadin - Default Sona - Default
Misc - Unknown Katarina - Default Sona- Guqin Sona
Aatrox - Default Katarina - Slay Belle Katarina Soraka - Celestine Soraka
Aatrox - Justicar Aatrox Kayle - Aether Wing Kayle Soraka - Default
Ahri - Default Kayle - Default Swain - Default
Akali - Default Kennen - Default Syndra - Default
Alistar - Default Kha'Zix - Default Syndra - Justicar Syndra
Altar Sound Effects Kha'Zix - Mecha Kha'Zix Talon - Default
Amumu - Default Kog'Maw - Default Taric - Default
Amumu - Sad Robot Amumu Kog'Maw - Lion Dance Kog'Maw Teemo - Astronaut Teemo
Anivia - Black Ice Anivia LeBlanc - Default Teemo - Default
Anivia - Default Lee Sin - Default Teemo - Superhero Teemo
Annie - Default Lee Sin - Dragon Fist Lee Sin Thresh - Deep Terror Thresh
Annie - Panda Annie Leona - Default Thresh - Default
Ashe - Default Lissandra - Bloodstone Lissandra Tristana - Default
Blitzcrank - Default Lissandra - Default Tristana - Rocket Girl Tristana
Blitzcrank - iBlitzcrank Lulu - Bittersweet Lulu Trundle - Default 1
Blitzcrank - Piltover Blitzcrank Lulu - Default Trundle - Default 2
Brand - Cryocore Brand Lulu - Dranon Trainer Lulu Tryndamere - Default
Brand - Default Lulu - Wicked Lulu Tryndamere - Demonblade Tryndamere
Brand - Zombie Brand Lux - Default Twisted Fate - Default
Caitlyn - Default Lux - Steel Legion Lux Twisted Fate - Underworld Twisted Fate
Cassiopeia - Default Malphite - Coral Reef Malphite Twitch - Default
Cassiopeia - Jade Fang Cassiopeia Malphite - Default Twitch - Gangster Twitch
Cho'Gath - Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath Malphite - Glacial Malphite Twitch - Vandal Twitch
Cho'Gath - Default Malzahar - Default Udyr - Default
Cho'Gath - Gentleman Cho'Gath Maokai - Default Urgot - Battlecast Urgot
Cho'Gath - Jurassic Cho'Gath Maokai - Haunted Maokai Urgot - Default
Corki - Default Master Yi - Default Varus - Arclight Varus
Corki - Dragonwing Corki Miss Fortune - Default Varus - Default
Corki - Urfrider Corki Miss Fortune - Mafia Miss Fortune Vayne - Default
Darius - Bioforge Darius Mordekaiser - Default Veigar - Bad Santa Veigar
Darius - Default Morgana - Default Vi - Default
Darius - Woad King Darius Morgana - Ghost Bride Morgana Vi - Neon Strike Vi
Diana - Default Nami - Default Viktor - Default
Dr. Mundo - Default Nami - Koi Nami Vladimir - Blood Lord Vladimir
Dr. Mundo - Mundo Mundo Nasus - Default Vladimir - Default
Dr. Mundo - TPA Mundo Nautilus - AstroNautilus Volibear - Default
Draven - Default Nautilus - Default Volibear - Runeguard Volibear
Draven - Gladiator Draven Nidalee - Default Warwick - Default
Elise - Default Nidalee - Headhunter Nidalee Wukong - Default
Evelynn - Default Nocturne - Default Xerath - Default
Ezreal - Default Nocturne - Eternum Nocturne Xerath - Scorched Earth Xerath
Ezreal - Pulsefire Ezreal Nunu - Default Xin Zhao - Default
Fiddlesticks - Dark Candy Fiddlesticks Nunu - Nunu Bot Xin Zhao - Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
Fiddlesticks - Default Olaf - Default Yorick - Default
Fiddlesticks - Surprise Party Fiddlesticks Olaf - Pentakill Olaf Zac - Default
Fiora - Default Orianna - Default Zac - Zac Grumpy
Fiora - Headmistress Fiora Pantheon - Default Zed - Default
Fizz - Default Poppy - Default Zed - Shockblade Zed
Fizz - Fisherman Fizz Quinn - Default Ziggs - Default
Galio - Default Quinn - Phoenix Quinn Ziggs - Mad Schientist Ziggs
Galio - Gatekeeper Galio Rammus - Default Ziggs - Pool Party Ziggs
Gangplank - Default Rammus - Full Metal Rammus Ziggs - Snow Day Ziggs
Gangplank - Special Forces Gangplank Renekton - Default Zilean - Default
Garen - Default Renekton - Rune Wars Renekton Zyra - Default
Garen - Steel Legion Garen Rengar - Default Zyra - Wildfire Zyra

More Information

Since Riot's FSB files seem to have an inconsistent format I have had to do some customization myself to make the sounds play appropriately.

As sort of a cheat sheet for myself I made the Sound File Quirks page. It's information corresponds to the /doublefreq and /doublelen switchs fro LoLFSBExtract.exe

Editing Files

If you happen to find a file has an incorrect pitch then that is something you can either email me about or fix yourself. This usually manifests itself as everything sounding high pitched or low pitched. The fix for this is to change the frequency. I've tried my best to adjust them, but some slip through the cracks.

Go ahead and download Audacity from THIS page. The ZIP Installer should be fine for most people if you don't want to install it. Either way, download and run Audacity. You can either open the file from the file menu or drag it into the window.

You should see the sound spectrum on your screen. Now it is time to adjust the frequency of the file.

Navigate to the “Other…” option as shown below:

Set the rate to either 88200 or 44100, whichever the file is NOT currently. If it is 44100 change it to 88200, if it is 88200 change it to 44100. Click OK in the dialog.

Test the sound by hitting the green play button. If it sounds right it is now time to export the file. Go to File > Export… then make sure the “Save as type” is set to “WAV (Microsoft) signed 16 bit PCM”. Name it whatever you want and hit save. You will get a “Edit Metadata” popup. You can hit OK without filling it in. The data here is not necessary to fill in.

Special Thanks

After a post on the League of Legends Reddit from a user called Ultima1k, I was pointed to a tool used to decode the sounds from The Witcher 2 (tw2unfsb.exe).

The underlying code used to extract the sounds from League of Legends was taken from a tool called “tw2unfsb.exe” (The Witcher 2 Un-FSB) created by Nico Bendlin originally released at the following location: (German). The original executable can be found HERE. The original C++ source code can be found HERE.

info/league_of_legends_sounds.1372651291.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/07/01 04:01 by smark
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